Module Mqtt_client

type t

Represents an MQTT client.

To create a new client use Mqtt_client.connect.

type credentials =
  1. | Credentials of string * string
  2. | Username of string

Client authentication credentials.

MQTT supports two authentication methods: username with password, or username only.

The credentials will be sent in plain text, unless TLS is used. See connection options for more information.

Client error & exceptions

Defines the exceptions raised by the client

exception Connection_error
type qos =
  1. | Atmost_once
  2. | Atleast_once
  3. | Exactly_once

Quality of Service level.

Defines the guarantee of delivery for messages.

val connect : ?id:string -> ?tls_ca:string -> ?credentials:credentials -> ?will:(string * string) -> ?clean_session:bool -> ?keep_alive:int -> ?on_message:(topic:string -> string -> unit Lwt.t) -> ?on_disconnect:(t -> unit Lwt.t) -> ?on_error:(t -> exn -> unit Lwt.t) -> ?port:int -> string list -> t Lwt.t

Connects to the MQTT broker.

Multiple hosts can be provided in case the broker supports failover. The client will attempt to connect to each one of hosts sequentially until one of them is successful.

on_error can be provided to handle errors during client's execution. By default all internal exceptions will be raised with

Note: Reconnection logic is not implemented currently.

let broker_hosts = [ ("host-1", "host-2") ] in

let on_message ~topic payload =
  Lwt.printlf "topic=%S payload=%S" topic payload

Mqtt_client.connect ~id:"my-client" ~port:1883 ~on_message broker_hosts
val disconnect : t -> unit Lwt.t

Disconnects the client from the MQTT broker.

let%lwt () = Mqtt_client.disconnect client
val publish : ?dup:bool -> ?qos:qos -> ?retain:bool -> topic:string -> string -> t -> unit Lwt.t

Publish a message with payload to a given topic.

let payload = "Hello world";
let%lwt () = Mqtt_client.publish(~topic="news", payload, client);
val subscribe : (string * qos) list -> t -> unit Lwt.t

Subscribes the client to a non-empty list of topics.

let topics =
    ("news/fashion", Mqtt_client.Atmost_once);
    ("news/science", Mqtt_client.Atleast_once);
Mqtt_client.subscribe topics client